Monday, 14 December 2015
Sport Day At Tamaki College For The Year Eights!
Year 8 sport day
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Hafoka Family Reunion 2015
The day that the Hafoka family reunited again was the best day ever!
On the 11th of october my family from America, Australia, Tonga, Christ Church came to my Church for the Family Reunion. After church we all gathered at the hall and waited for more people to come. Each family got to perform a Tongan dance. The money that people put on the people who danced got put in a box to save for our family T-shirts.
We all had a big feed that us first cousins organised for the parents and kids, for the kids we used zip lock bags for lollies, chips and treats. When everyone was here my aunt introduced herself “Good evening everyone I hope you have had a good day, my name is Sela Leka Hafoka I will be updating you with everything and telling you our family tree.”
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Sailor the Puffer Fish came to Ruapotaka!
On Thursday Ruapotaka was very lucky to have Sailor the Puffer Fish come and teach us about asthma. We learnt heaps about asthma and how to prevent it. We learnt how to use inhalers and what kind of inhalers actually help us breathe easily. We all had fun singing, laughing and of course learning about asthma. We thanked Sailor the Puffer Fish for coming to our school!
Sailor the Puffer Fish,
Cross Country!
Imagine running 4 times around the block non stop! It would be tiring right! Room 12 on Wednesday the 16th of September ran 4 times around the block for cross country.
Waiting for the Juniors to finish patiently and nervously for our turn. “Room 12” said Miss Ginders, and we all looked at each other fearfully. Once we heard Miss Ginders say “Ready, Set, Go,” we all ran to the gate and around the block
After running four times around the block we were all tired but relieved that we were finished. All students ran their hardest and tried to come 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
4 times,
Cross country,
Talent Quest
In Term three in week 8 Room 12 hosted this week's assembly. Our theme for Room Twelve's assembly was a Talent Quest. Some students from the senior block had to perform. All the students had fun and tried their very best to beat the best.
Talent Quest,
Term 3
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Making Origami Flowers
Every Friday Room 12 makes different origami. I used a red paper for a rose and green and purple paper for Kusudama flower. I watched some youtube videos for ideas. Some of us completed butterflies, dinosaurs, flowers, dogs, dresses and bows. At the end of the day some of the students who already finished their origami got to take a photo. We all had fun learning how to make easy and cool origami.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Making Daffodils
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Madd Messenger
Last week on Friday Madd Messenger (Petia and Caroline) came to our school to talk to Rooms 11 and 12 about making positive and right choices. They called it You Turn. Once they introduced themselves we all stood up in a circle, we had to think and make choices by moving to the left or right, forward or back. Henare called it out. When he said to move to the left some of us moved to the right but quickly moved to the left. It helped us to think and listen about it. Most of us laughed about it and some of us were concentrating and thinking. After listening and learning about making choices Petia drew Wonder Women.
Madd Messenger
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Preventing Illness
Preventing illness
An illness is when you get sick, it can start with a cough, sneeze, sore ear, running nose, sore throats, getting germs, stepping in spit, sharing food and drinks, and being in contact with people who are sick.
You can get all sorts of illnesses like colds, coughs, flu, chicken pox, and rheumatic fever.
You can prevent these illnesses by eating healthy foods, washing your fruits and vegetables, washing your hands, using a tissue to sneeze and cough into, use a cup when sharing one bottle of water (or any drinks), drinking water, staying away from people who are sick or you stay away from people when you're sick, going to the doctors and keeping in touch with them, take days off school or work until you feel better.
An illness is different from a disease, diseases can’t be cured but treated and illnesses can.
An illness can spread from one person to another. If you don’t look after your health or control your illness it can lead to a disease like ebola which you get from others, rheumatic fever that starts off with a sore throat, chickenpox that comes anytime and age, diabetes that you can get from eating fatty and unhealthy food or drinks.
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Day In A Life Of A Gallipoli Soldier
The Deadliest Night (as dead as a soldier)
25th March
Dear Uncle John

Once we got to Gallipoli Peninsula the first thing we had to do was dig out 6 x 5 trenches. After digging out the trenches we were all tired and thirsty. One of my mates had a bottle of water and shared it with me and the others. Later on we all tried to sleep but all we heard was loud, banging gun shots. Only two soldiers could sleep but the rest stayed up.
It finally hit morning and the two soldiers woke up. We all sat there starving and there was only a little bit of water left. Later on we heard more gunshots so we thought we should shoot back. We all got into our positions with our weapons. We looked at my friend Sam who counted down. We all shouted and struck back. All of a sudden we heard silence. We looked over and saw someone throwing something near our trench. BOOM! Then there was silence.
Friday, 27 March 2015
Theatre Challenge
Everyday Theatre visited Ruapotaka and we had a theatre challenge with Room 11.
We had to write a note based on the characters in the video game.
When we won against Room 11 we got a Games master badge.
Below is the note I wrote.
Since Becca has my room and I sleep on the sofa in the lounge I don’t know where to hide my diary. I'm afraid that mum might find it and read it and find out that I have problems like having Brian and Becca around and about me and Jack at the carpark. (It’s as painful as not being with your family for a very long time)
Theatre challenge
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