
Thursday, 28 May 2015

Preventing Illness

Preventing illness
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An illness is when you get sick, it can start with a cough, sneeze, sore ear, running nose, sore throats, getting germs, stepping in spit, sharing food and drinks, and being in contact with people who are sick.

You can get all sorts of illnesses like colds, coughs, flu, chicken pox, and rheumatic fever.

You can prevent these illnesses by eating healthy foods, washing your fruits and vegetables, washing your hands, using a tissue to sneeze and cough into, use a cup when sharing one bottle of water (or any drinks), drinking water, staying away from people who are sick or you stay away from people when you're sick, going to the doctors and keeping in touch with them, take days off school or work until you feel better.

An illness is different from a disease, diseases can’t be cured but treated and illnesses can.

An illness can spread from one person to another. If you don’t look after your health or control your illness it can lead to a disease like ebola which you get from others, rheumatic fever that starts off with a sore throat, chickenpox that comes anytime  and age, diabetes that you can get from eating fatty and unhealthy food or drinks.



  1. Hi Melelose I like your information about how to prevent illness. You’ve done a really good job. Where did you get those images from?
    From Timote Junior

  2. Kia Ora Timote, I used google to find my image. thank you for your positive comment.
